Our replica American Green Card is crafted with precision to look just like an official Permanent Resident card. This fake green card mirrors all the distinctive features of an authentic PR card, providing a convincing replica for those who value attention to detail.
Every fake green card we create is carefully designed to reflect the official U.S. Permanent Resident card. From the card’s background design and holographic features to the distinct layout and color scheme, each element is reproduced to offer a truly realistic look. For those seeking a fake PR card, our product provides an impressive level of authenticity.
Our fake PR cards are made with durable materials and printed using high-quality inks to ensure long-lasting detail and clarity. Resistant to fading and wear, these cards are ideal for frequent handling or long-term display. The vivid colors, fine text, and secure-feel finish make it standout.
To make your fake green card even more unique, we offer customization options for personal details like name and date, giving you a one-of-a-kind replica. This personal touch enhances the card’s realism, making it a more accurate novelty item for collectors and enthusiasts.
For anyone looking for an accurate replica, our fake green card delivers unmatched quality and detail. Designed for novelty use, this card brings together authentic design and durable craftsmanship, creating a product that’s both realistic and reliable.